The Laundry Files Wiki
Alan Turing photo

Alan Turing

"You haven't heard of the Turning theorem — at least, not by name — unless you're one of us."
The Turing Theorem is a mathematical concept that underpins much of our universe's understanding of what was once classed magic. At its tamest, an understanding of the Theorem can subvert most cryptography algorithms. At its worst, it allows a computer to generate a Dho-Na geometry curve in real time.[1]

Understanding the parameters that make up this curve, and funneling power through them, causes waves that can tear through conventional space-time and merge our reality with those of other universes where what we would recognise as magic can take place.
The theorem was devised originally by Alan Turing who was a talented mathematician and cryptographer during World War II. Not long after forming it, he shared it with a wartime colleague who recognised the danger and alerted The Laundry - their response was to eliminate Turing in an attempt to suppress his theory.
This is regularly regarded by Laundry personnel as a major overreaction and an unwise move, depriving the organisation of what could have been one of its leading theoreticians - it was also their first ever major operation[2].


  1. p17, The Atrocity Archives, Orbit, 2011
  2. p16, The Atrocity Archives, Orbit, 2011